ALBA China and Indonesia Teams Visit DataBeyond Technology

On August 13, 2024, ALBA’s teams from China and Indonesia visited DataBeyond Technology. The delegation comprised Lü Jiaqing, Chief Operating Officer of ALBA Asia Plastic Recycling Limited; Jiang Hongyu, Director at ALBA RORR New Materials(Jiangxi) Co., Ltd.; Li Sheng, Key Account Manager at Asia Plastic Trading; Faizul Maknun, Quality Manager at ALBA Tridi; Wijanarko, Engineering Manager; Yosef Permana, Plant Manager; and Avien Pradana, Production Manager.



The visit facilitated a comprehensive exchange on the latest developments in environmental technology, industry challenges, and future collaboration opportunities. Discussions covered advanced technological innovations, process optimization, and quality management. DataBeyond Technology highlighted its state-of-the-art AI hyperspectral sorting technology and integrated plant solutions. The dialogue provided valuable insights on advancing the sector further.



The ALBA representatives underscored the strategic significance of their partnership and explored future cooperation avenues to jointly address escalating global environmental challenges. The General Manager of DataBeyond Technology extended a warm welcome to the ALBA team, reaffirming the company's commitment to delivering integrated solutions that enhance recycling rates and market share, and drive high-level industry growth.